i've been feeling like hunkering in, staying in bed late and watching movies under blankets. feels good! i just picked up this book and can't wait to start it. also making progress on my next tiny ship series project, hope to fill more in this weekend. just tons of relaxing stuff on my calendar this weekend! i hope that your weekend is everything that you want it to be ;)
and it's friday, so some fun finds from around the world wide web:
i don't have any tattoos, but this idea is really neat.
i just love this question and answer session.
a pretty paperweight. (lots of great xmas gift ideas, like this, over on goop!)
her handcarved tables are aaaaaamazing!
a fun do it yourself photos ornament idea.
how fun are all of these mix & match trays?
oooh, this skirt.
a cool side table.
make a leftover pumpkin pie milkshake. yum!
they read all 20 national book award nominees for 2016. here's what they thought.
really love this "ascension" tote.
a gorgeous bed.
cool corduroys.
her wallpaper line is lights out gorgeous.
this dotted throw, so sweet.
speaking of sweet, tons of gift ideas here.
such a creative little video.
these are just kind of funny.
fabulous furniture, this bookshelf from glas italia.
want this bag for next spring/summer.