the day started with lobster rolls at the classic landmark sullivan's (and they have the BEST grilled cheese sandwiches ever too). sullivan's is right on the property, so that's dangerous doing right there. um, all of the french fries i can have? yes, that is dangerous indeed.
but really the reason i go is my lifelong fascination with airplanes. yup, i admit it. i could watch planes take off and land ALL. DAY. LONG. and i'm not sure why really. i find the whole process captivating, enchanting and romantic. i wonder where everyone is going. are some people already sleeping? are they scared to fly? are they going somewhere because they have to, they want to, they need to?
castle island is perfect for all of that contemplation. depending on the way the wind is blowing, planes either land or take off, DIRECTLY over your head if you are just standing there or laying on the grass like i was (hence some of the crazy angles i captured). it's kind of a magical place castle island is. especially if you like laying on a beach blanket during the summer and watching the planes. like me. enjoy