but after entering i noticed that although they transformed it, they had to as it was heavily damaged, whoever was in charge of "fixing" it, just sort of went about it in an easy way, a typical way. so i was disappointed in that i felt that it lost it's individual feel, and became more blended, a bit nondescript and well, was transformed into a space that felt like it could have been just about anywhere. a bar.
these are times when i'm reminded that there are so many choices out there, that designers have no excuse really, to be different, to push it, to create individual ideas, places & spaces. i once had an art professor who claimed that there were so few original ideas out there. i found that a bit mind boggling. because when you have more choices in materials, objects, lighting, pieces, or art than you know what to do with, how can you not help but come up with your own plan, an original making of a space.
these pieces are a few examples that i pulled from all modern's site. an absolute microscopic view of what is out there for choice or for different. a complete jungle of design choices. walking into that bar the other day had me wishing i could have taken over in the space's transformation, in "fixing" it. i think i could have, at the very least, come up with an original idea, despite what my art professor said. enjoy!