i've noticed as i've driven around my area already this fall, especially happening by commercial spaces savouring their outdoor patios just as long as they can, that there are certainly some very cool options for outdoor fireplaces. these from planika have my attention today. why? just because they're different. that's why...
i love that a coffee table is transformed into an indoor/outdoor spectacle. a place to gather, in a primeval sort of way, around the fire, mesmerized and captivated. relaxed and rejuvenated. fire does that. i don't know if any of us know why, but it does.
i hope that your tuesday is starting off in a productive and positive way. i have beaucoup amounts of work to do today for my graduate courses. so i'm planted right here for a while, my view the computer screen. i'll get out for a run or something though, every now and then, must. step. away. from. the. computer. ;) enjoy!