i wanted to share with you these fabulous geometric patterns, of wallpapers, of textiles, offered up by gaston y daniela. these patterns are fresh, vibrant, energetic, and they offer interest and texture to any space, residential or commercial. and remember, even if you paper one wall, a real transformation of space occurrs. it's that simple!
one day i'm going to do it, i'm going to get daring and paper a wall. and with something a touch inventive and creative. doing that, applying a wall treatment to just one wall in any space, is much like adding in a modern piece of art, something to throw the space off, that slightly edgy wow factor that i truly believe, every single space needs. whether it's a space in your home or your work space. whether it's a small accent piece or an in your face piece, like a large artwork or a wall. just something that reminds your guests or friends that you do things just a little bit differently. and why not?
so, what do you have planned for this upcoming weekend. i'm unfortunately going to be cloistered, pretty much the whole weekend, typing last minute revisions and finishing touches of course papers due early next week. but, in between all of that, i'll be getting outside, for a run or two, sipping red wine (ah, maybe not while i'm typing right? ;) and trying my best to salvage some of the weekend. i hope that whatever you do, wherever you go, that you make your weekend what you want it. enjoy!