when dan was asked to define his work, he answered with "definitions are our limits; i would like to consider myself an explorer and adventurer." exploring and adventuring are good! no they're great, especially when this type of amazing, inventive product is the result.
what do you have planned this weekend? i'm catching up on coursework as a result of my goofing off all week. seriously, goofing off. but hey, it was needed! in between all of that, a few runs outside in what is supposed to be warm weather this weekend are in store. and i'm thinking of painting my hallway. now that i have new spring curtains up, my mind is wandering to paint. so fun! oh, and i need to finish watching a french movie that my son and i started this week called micmacs. have you seen it? it's pretty intriguing. i hope your friday~day leads to a relaxing and fun afternoon & night. enjoy!!