head over heals for this gold dipped shuttlecock necklace with silk knitting. offered up at need supply and found via twig & sparrow. perfectly dreamy.

how fun is this tumblr site? it's archive is nothing but women reading! really great images...

i'd really love to spend time in this room today. to drool over the lighting, observe the fresh bursts of color all around and to kick back in these dining chairs. via a great house tour on apartment therapy.

man oh man, think of what you could do carrying around this incredible knot bag/basket offered up from alder & co. great for going to the outdoor markets, stocking up on books & magazines at your favorite bookstores. or simple display it with anything & everything in your home. love.

this mirrored cabinet showcasing fabulous wines & other beverages for the holiday! found via twig & sparrow & bo bedre.

these tights offered up by patternity. their motto?: "patterns to take everywhere. mundane to magnificent." i love that and i love these tights!

tomorrow is my bread baking day complete with photos and the recipe if anyone is interested. this morning, as we all rush around on these last minute days before christmas, remember to be good to yourself, grab a coffee drink that you wouldn't normally indulge in ;) slow it down a little. enjoy!!