after all, under prandina's profile, they write of their company that "prandina's philosophy has fulfilled criteria of simplicity and formal precision." formal precision? i love that! based out of italy, prandina does have contacts, distributors and shops in the u.s. so if any of prandina's lighting moves, you, then obtaining one is easier than you think. ;)
how was your weekend friends? i wrapped presents, watched football, shopped a little, (ate alot ;)) and baked some killer cheese puffs to accompany a birthday dinner i made, if you want the recipe go here, they are easy and delish!! have a creative and positive start to your monday! enjoy....
p.s. i'll be picking the winner of the little black dress give~away (the post is a few posts below this one) at noon today. so you last minute signer~upers still have time!