today's give~away is from shabby apple offering up a plethora of women's dresses...i especially L O V E the "tinsel town" collection, they're so very going~to~the~oscars~dresses!

this "beverly hills" dress is valued at $98.00 on shabby apple. yeah, that's right! but you get to win it for F R E E ! if you'd like to get up close and personal with this dress, view it here. if you want to really get up close and personal with it, then enter this sweet give~away and take her home!
so, it's simple. leave a comment on avant garde design saying where in the world you would wear this little black number, not because it will make you win it but because i just want to know! ;) (oh, and leave me some way to contact you should you be the lucky winner!)
then, head to shabby apple's site, here, this weekend, peruse their offerings and hit the "like" them on facebook button, here.
that's it! and if that's not enough, if while visiting the shabby apple site this weekend, you find that you just cannot wait to win this dress or you'd like to select something else, shabby apple is offering a 10% off special for avant garde design followers only! enter "avantgarde10off" at checkout and voila, you guessed it, 10% off. this special is guaranteed for 30 days from the date of this post. so, that's just bonus right?
so go, run, now, this is a fab dress, i wish it was for me! lucky you guys...enjoy!!
p.s. the winner will be chosen monday morning! so get in on this while you can!!