just some styles i'm loving today as i sip coffee, eat homemade mini corn muffins and jelly (yum!) and peruse some of my favorite sites... 1234 with fall fashion, i still love bits of sheer, flowing femininity. everything can't be wool and knits, some, for me anyway, needs to be soft and just plain girly. ;) enjoy your saturday friends!
hi everyone! i'm robin, creator and editor of avant garde design. for the better half of my life i've concentrated on my studio art, sign painting, hand lettering, restoring antique furniture and painting. i've just completed a graduate program at harvard, with a concentration in international relations. i surround myself with design inspiration. it's a part of me that i love, i need and i want. i love sharing ideas as well as taking in new ones from many other talented bloggers and designers. contact me: pulsiferrobin@gmail.com