
Monday, February 23, 2009

currents of clay.

rashida ua bakari ferdinand. artist focus for this sunny monday. rashida lives and works as a visual artist in new orleans, has a varied and accomplished educational background and began working with clay "under the tutelage of winnie owens-hart, from whom she learned an ipetumodo nigerian coiling technique. with clay as her foundation ferdinand began to create anthropomorphic ceramic vessel forms as representations of spaces of spiritual containment." when i read that i understood that as designers we set out to accomplish much the same thing. each of rashida's pieces appears to have a feeling all it's own and welcomes space, enlightens space and offers a grounding of natural materials and an essence of bringing the outside inside...which i love. i see her art lending itself to a modern or rustic space. extremely versatile.

read more about rashida's art, her life, her goals and her contributions to life on her site, currents of clay. simply intriguing. enjoy!