
Monday, September 12, 2011

a monday pow of fresh.

so this monday, i'm thinking we all could use a pow of fresh, blank canvas heaven, to beginning anew, bold new ideas are brewing, chances are about to be taken by some of us, and what better way to get our creative juices flowing with slowly waking to spaces that can provide stimulation for all of that...


what's on your docket for this monday morning, or for your week ahead? i hope that your start to this fresh new fantastic week is productive, inspiring and fun! as for me, hmmmm, i plan on writing well, staying organized (ah, hard for me sometimes), visiting my son at college (to bring him things he wants at the same time), and picking up something new to wear for this upcoming fall season (fast approaching here in my part of the world!), so get out there friends, get going, knock em' dead with your ideas, your passion and your flair. enjoy ;)