
Monday, October 20, 2008

pumpkins, apple crisp and family time.

my son ethan hard at work.



happy monday everyone! i wanted to share my weekend and hope that you all may have had a similar one, and if not just as relaxing and enjoyable. saturday was spent working on the new shop, tearing out the awful corporate drop ceiling and tiles and fluorescent lights and the entire procedure and i do call it a "procedure", was very surgical. my father having spent years working for the government in washington d.c. sculpted the landscape you see around all of the monuments and smithsonian buildings, he also put in the sprinkler systems. well. although he directed the procedure by phone from tennessee where he now lives, he put the "world of hurt" speech into me about not touching the sprinkler heads, which are already installed in the awful corporate drop ceiling tiles at the shop.

so. i enlisted the help a some very dear and very brave friends to assist in the surgery of the ceiling but remembering that we would all be in a "world of hurt" if one of those sprinkler heads gets even breathed on, never mind touched in any way shape or form. water would develop into a massive flood of which would be biblical according to my dad, via the phone. yikes, so i went shopping with the wives of my brave friends and had to leave the building for fear of a heart attack. all is well so far, but we still have a little more work and near the sprinkler heads, so i'm still in for a repeat procedure.

sunday was family fun day, we were off to keith's farm in acushnet ma. a bit of a drive but worth it, homemade cider,to die-for apple crisp (warm and ready), apple picking, corn picking, hay rides and of course we spent time in the pumpkin patch looking for the "one" that spoke to us. later my son and i carved ours, baked up pumpkin seeds and admired our work. very nice. watched the red sox lose but you know what the rays played their hearts out. all in all a fab weekend, hope yours was too!