niki jones offers hand painted furniture, dainty, sexy, dramatic and simply gorgeous!

one of the first things that stopped me about niki jones product line was her pattern, her colors and the many textures of her cushions. wow.

the detail, the slight differences in the "typical chair" is what sets this silhouette chair apart. you could display one or more, all on their own, they are alone, just romantically beautiful.

the "ziad" bed linen and it's "striking embroidered motif", exotic and sexy.

niki jones' bed linens are completely plush and dreamy.

loving this block print rug, here.

this entire space is just...aaaah.

trained in both textile and industrial design, niki jones has tons of experience and states "i decided to start my own company because i couldn't find what i wanted to buy on line, well designed and well crafted pieces for my home that were a bit special." i hear ya!
i find niki jones' products to be from eclectic inspiration, through her travels, her life experiences and through her artistic eye. i really am loving her stuff!
it's mid-way through the week everyone! we are that much closer to friday...yeah! enjoy!