these brass sculptures by italian architect and artist
michele reginaldi have
captured my attention this morning....
it's almost as if you want them to
be something, something more utilitarian, like a table or wall treatment of something useful, yet they are
beyond that, they offer to spaces, commercial and residential what utilitarian pieces miss.
reginaldi sculpts/constructs his pieces out of brass (although he works often with plastic as well). for me, brass has never been one of those materials i've been drawn to. another words, i
felt, having grown up in the 1970's that i was inundated with brass to the point of, well, i was just plain sick of it.
michele reginaldi has revived my sense of brass adoration. it was there at one time, it waned, and now, i would take a larger than life piece of reginaldi's, place it smack dab in my space/place for everyone to see. no problem...enjoy!