
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


i realized recently (ah, a little late) that there is much inspiration to be had with pinterest. and i also realized that i really haven't been keeping up or even beginning to set up my pinterest site and maintain it. i'm on a pin hunt for some new favorites and i'll be adding to my boards daily from now on. i'm still in the organizing stages of my site (i know! i'm waaaaaay behind the ball on this one) but hey, better late than never!
for now, here are some favorites pins from 2modern's pinterest board. like many others, full of really great inspiration.

being in graduate school hasn't left alot of time for goofing off and surfing the web. especially pinterest. i'm down to one last course, so i'm enjoying a touch more freedom and time to discover new and amazing ways of enjoying inspiration. i hope you are too! enjoy!