each one of guillermo strodek-hart's photographs, especially his interiors draw you in, they are like complicated paintings, realism, raw and honest, filled with real life, the things we collect, the things we hold important, the things we enshrine and expose they way we live. guillermo studied in boston and travels often back and forth to his native argentina for inspiration. guillermo says he's "drawn to places that allude to the concept of a shrine." "fascinated how objects are arranged within a particular space."
i could see one of his photographs, blown up very large, for even greater impact, in a space, residential or commercial, that could handle that sized photograph, and with nothing around it to interfere with each busy scene. these scenes would alone occupy a wall and make for continuous viewing, adding color, texture and of course a fabulous conversation piece to any environment. please check out more of guillermo's work here, and then visit the link to his website! enjoy!