apartment therapy featured the most unusual and (to me) stunning flooring i've seen in some time. "lars contzen's hard surface, high gloss floor panels are wall graphics taken down to the ground level. we first saw his blueprint lined linear landscape klick panels and thought we had died and gone to TRON heaven. but it's really the faux bois Woodlikewood line we love the most, a modern graphical interpretation of wood grain...." thanks for finding them apartment therapy!

from a fun site called frugal victoria, this floor is layed out on the cheap with different colored duct tape. ok, that's frugal. found here.

believe it or not this is hand painted. yes the floor is hand painted. yikes. ah...can you say talent? amazing! found here.

how about painting your floors white, then doodling them up? so fun for a children's room don't you think? found here.

how fun is this puzzle floor? especially in a children's room? found here.

good ol' fashioned black and white checkered floors. sometimes in the right space, these are perfect. found here.

both of these checkered floor designs found via apartment therapy.

i have an affinity for concrete, especially with flooring. i adore the simple yet strangely elegant affect it has when layed and either painted or decorated by adding a textural design such as these floors below. at my shop i left the floors concrete, painted them a chocolate brown and added gold glitter sprinkled all around then coated it with a clear concrete varnish. adds a bit of fun to the shop. and with concrete, there are so many options! found these here.

what are you up to on this gorgeous monday? feeling like fall around these parts but also invigorating. i start my classes tonight in boston and will keep plugging along towards my degree, which i love. taking some intriquing classes, one is the architecture of boston, including a walking tour of boston learning the different building styles, architects etc. getting to know my own city better. can't wait. enjoy your monday and enjoy these fun flooring ideas! it's such a creative world out there.