
Thursday, August 6, 2015

hanging onto summer, and its furniture.

if you are clinging to summer (like me!) and are still in need (or just want) a set of fresh, pure summer, outdoor furniture, check out the italian company unopiu , they caught my eye today...
unopiu's tag line reads "we create dreams, dreams for your leisure time." i love that! a simply elegant, fresh set of summer seating can transform your outdoor enjoyment, but also the space. it truly can.

i have a pretty routine run route these days. and one particular home i run by recently upgraded their front porch seating, and i mean seriously went for the gold on this one. it is also a very LARGE home, stunning really with views of the marsh and the open ocean. so that should be enough right? even with so-so outdoor seating? and you are right, it probably is. but just that one move that they recently made, that investment into really gorgeous outdoor seating, in my mind, it darn right sealed the deal. enjoy!