
Friday, January 11, 2013


another weekend is upon us and i hope you are more than looking forward to it! this 2nd weekend of this brand new year has me craving simplicity beyond the extent i can even explain. the past year has been fraught with emotion, change, loss, lots of loss. and tangled up in all of that was the opposite of simplicity.
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so. what i seek this weekend, this 2nd weekend of the year, an for all of those to come, is simplicity. i want to get outside more. i'm thinking of little by little purchasing good camping gear, and spending more time taking in the outdoors as much as i do the interiors which i post about.

i want to simplify my next living space. to only what's important. to things, material things and items that have meaning or that move me in some special way.

i want to buy more art. i want to paint some of my own art.

i want to clear the clutter which has either prevented me from seeing people, things, and the chances i should have taken and leave myself open to this new year. to all of that. i resolve to find simplicity, not only this weekend, but in my life this new year. how are you feeling about this new year's beginning? do you have a plan that feels positive and new? or are you even needing one? if not...you're the lucky one! enjoy...