these painted walls & patterned couches, via marie claire maison.

shiny subway tiles, anywhere and everywhere. this via i like it here.

the fresh, etherial paintings by david mramor. and especially because he incorporates spray paint. that's just plain cool. ;)

peering into stella mccartney's fall 2011 line (one my favorite fashion designers), this green dress with its abstract lines. paired with either heels or tall boots. want, need love!

i love the design of this modern picnic table/bench seat offered up by extremis, whose tag line is "tools for togetherness." that alone, that tag line i love!

i'm loving that every monday, after i clean the house, i take a walk or a bike ride and treat myself to picking a bouquet of summer flowers, all found, not bought. this bouquet found over at rue's tumblr.

this unusual coat rack. as coat racks go. this one via mixr.

bolon's selection of larger residential or commercial flooring concepts. bold, new designs.

from carpets & rugs,

to random walls, it's stripes i'm loving. these via owi.

there are so many things, spaces, designers, fashion or otherwise to love right now! how was your weekend? what have you purchased lately or what is it that you are currently loving this monday morning? tell me, tell me! i'd love to hear...enjoy ;)