
Monday, August 16, 2010

darlingtonia moccasin co. (a new fab etsy find)

i stumbled upon this sweet etsy find, darlingtonia moccasin co. and wanted to share...

darlingtonia moccasin co. also offers these bow belts. how adorable are these? so adorable that's what!

i sooo want a pair of these, so i'll get a pair :) with rolled up jeans and a t~shirt, perfection. pretty, comfortable and well, pretty again!
katie, the hands behind the hand~made operation, creates each pair entirely, well, by hand. she has about a 7~10 day wait on orders so get yours in now! i'm having trouble picking a color, she has many more on her etsy site, i'm leaning towards the blues, she also has many tones of blue to pick from, oh my! check out her site, darlingtonia moccasin co., go on, do it! :) happy monday everyone, enjoy...