i know we've all seen our share of wall stickers these days and perhaps they are wearing out their welcome, but this london arch wall treatment caught my eye! and you know what else? it comes in a ton of fun colors! this is a bit refined, a bit funky, and would even work nicely in a corporate setting or commercial space for sure.

french eiffel tower tea towels. ok, i need these!

rockett st. george has a full line of fun pillows to satisfy your pillow problem, which i am a victim of! :)
like these...bespoke eco recycled felt scrabble cushions, in cream. you could spell just about anything.

and...girl in a pretty dress.

how fabulous is this champagne cork stool? if you are wine drinker like me, it's really perfect!

"life is beautiful" deck chairs. how fun!

who doesn't need (or want:) a lovely line of bird hooks, really anywhere in your home and for so many reasons!

add a little bit of kitsch with this striped cukoo clock.

i love the quiet-ness of these holmegaard pendant lights. like drops plunking into water, just beautiful.

they have a fun line of wallpaper if you are thinking about creating an accent wall. i thought these jumping zebras were just plain eye catching.

so it's thursday, what are you up to? how is your week going? i'm stuck at home today as my love's truck needs repairing and my car was needed to get him to work. maybe it's a good thing. i'll clean, catch up on my favorite blogs (sorry if i've been absent, tons of school work getting in the way), and a walk on a nearby golf course might be in order to fill my lungs with what seems to be spring air filtering into new england. whatever you are doing, wherever you are, enjoy!