
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

hopf & wortmann.

"a product needs more than perfect funktion and ergonomics, a product needs some poetry!" well i should say so. if these lights are not completely poetic, i'm not sure how close a design could come. founded in 1998, the design studio focused on industrial, interior, lighting and design. 4 of my favorite subjects. "the red thread of the design is the perfect mixture of organic shape and geometric elements,
sometimes with a bit of humor, playing with the viewers perception." play away! in my opinion these organic shapes that are lights are dreamy, drippy, soft and pliable in appearance. they move, they are still, they shine, they glow, they resonate. they are mood, they are a sense, they are absolutely exquisite! one of the most interesting elements of this company and their lighting is the fact that theirlights appear in clumps or alone or close to a ceiling of sitting on a floor...anything goes. these lights are fragile and sturdy all at once. i adore when such materials and subjects are fun, complicated, simple and elegant. i want them all and all for different reasons. enjoy!