but the first batch i brought to my new neighbors to hopefully cheer them up during these strange days. the second batch is to cheer me up! hey it's the little things right? our comfort things.
in between making cookies, i've been getting outside waaaaaaaaaay more than i ever could (don't worry, i'm walking the beach right down the street from me, it's private and almost no on around), feeding the birds leftover bread, i created a seashell driveway and am digging up my new little lawn to put sod down. what are you doing to pass the time? i hope you are safe and sound.
and some fun finds from around the world wide web if you are interested...
very cool white loafers.
an amazing before and after.
summer earring love. (if i could afford them, ha!)
a dreamy way to add to a headboard.
been living for his live instagram tv cocktail sessions.
during my stay at home time, i get outside for fresh air every day. dreaming of breezy patio days via this post.
could you cut all of your hair off? she looks beautiful!
reeeeeeeeeally enjoying these original artworks. oh, and the tiles too!
dreaming of one of her large deer bed photographs for above my sofa in the new house.
a dreamy dress.
the coolest outdoor fire place.
so much to love at the general store. especially this ripple pillow. & these clogs.
this would make a simple textural wall treatment.
if you miss simply walking around together, watch these.
beautiful ceramics.
in LOVE with these tent lights.
this beaded bow barette is everything.
i need this lounge/jogger set.
these shams for a beachy bed look this summer. these are kind of pretty too.
lace love.
just bought this denim dress (it's on sale!).
and finally, the best instagram site ever!