i've had a nutty week at work but have taken a long weekend off, much needed! i hope to work on some writing, get a couple of runs in and move slooooooow. sometimes it's hard to intentionally move slow, at least for me. so here's to trying and cheers to the weeekend!
and it's friday so some fun finds from around the world wide web:
man oh man do i love this red jumpsuit, please come back in stock.
staying on the jumpsuit theme, this is cute too.
can we please talk about this eternal dreamer sofa? wowzers.
and their celestial pebble single pendant is like finding the perfect piece of beach glass. gorgeous.
a pretty porcelain platter.
kind of funky but i like them. plus it's fun to play with the fabrics!
how about these nesting tables sitting right beside it?
loving this terrarium do-it-yourself! different size glass vessels arranged would also be interesting.
just bought this in black (shhh, it's from walmart & great price!).
pair it with these.
this coffee table.
what are you reading these days? i just finished this (awesome!) and thinking this looks intriguing. have you read either?
ok, this ceiling lamp & that color! perfection really.
and this outdoor seating line...i want one of each.
pretty much a wow stool.
this soft cylinders line is eye catching.
and it would have been my dad's birthday today, his absolute favorite day. happy birthday dad!