how are you?
what are you up to this weekend? anything fun? i've been working on a creative project (will tell you about it soon!) and werk, werk, werk as well. i'm sure you are right there with me! anyway, i hope that you have some amazing, relaxing, do nothing, have fun plans for this weekend.
i am reading
this book on the train to work, PURE LOVE. highly recommend. i've been on a pretty insane pizza kick lately, so hoping to branch out this weekend and eat something new and different! in between reading and eating (and red wine!) i'll also be enjoying this rather pre-spring weather we are having in february, the other day was 70 degrees. what?! but we'll take it!
and it's
friday saturday, so some fun finds from around the world wide web:
the coolest dining chairs.
a very different look, but
these are sweet also!
this mint/rose jacket is the bomb. even though (*cough) the price.
vintage love.
more vintage love,
this knoll lounge.
the prettiest travel pillow.
lovely loafers.
this mirror forever.
this, in red & gold for a WOW piece in your home.
really want a collection of
these casserole bowls.
a great little wine site. (great packaging/gift ideas too!)
pretty little rose colored glasses.
really like
this dress for spring.
these beach towels are on sale, and pretty cool!
pop it in this tote (um, when it goes on sale).
oh, and if you love ted talks like i do, check
this one out. slow t.v just might be the next big thing!