so i'm painting the interior of my house. it's a rental so i can't go too crazy but it was needing a facelift and paint is a relatively inexpensive way to spruce up spaces. our floor plan in our house is pretty open, the dining room/kitchen area spills right into the living area, with no wall or barrier. i've just hung a mini chandelier, all amber hanging glass beads and it looks fabulous. it got me to thinking and wondering about dining rooms, how much time we spend in them and how everyone sort of makes theirs very unique in their own comfortable way. ours is very comfortable and relaxed. perhaps i'll take pictures after the small but fun transformation is complete and post them sometime soon!
but for now i bring to you living etc.'s versions of terrific dining spaces. from bold, to stark, to fancy shmancy to completely relaxed and on the go types of spaces. great ideas to take from each and every one. is your dining space important to you? what have you done to make it your unique, interesting and comfortable space? enjoy!