
Friday, August 14, 2015

here's to the weekend!

well after the week i've had i am looking forward to laughing more this weekend and thinking positive thoughts...
the one bright spot about having a woman hit my car and having my car in the body shop is that you (hopefully) pick up a decent rental car. well let me tell ya, summer on cape cod means you better run to the rental car counter in the morning to grab what you can. so i did. and much to my surprise (and i sound like a commercial here and trying not to) i rented this, and i really like it. and i am not receiving compensation for saying it, i just really enjoy it so far!

what are you up to this weekend? anything fun? i just purchased tickets to hear david gergen speak at a local library next week. i seem to be lately loving author presentations. great conversations can be as fulfilling as concerts at times. and they are for me this summer as i've attended a couple so far and am enjoying the talks.

wherever you go, whatever you do, enjoy the heck out of this weekend! and laugh a little, i'm going to be trying making sure to, too...