
Thursday, February 2, 2012

deadgood. british design

deadgood is a cool company i found recently which features a super eclectic variety of british designed product. lots of color, texture, unusual shapes and materials. i just love companies like deadgood, they have fun with product, they test the boundaries, in both a beautiful & unique way. here are some of my favorites, including in this first image, this line of parquet herringbone pieces, really conceptual, really inventive.

deadgood is dead on...for cool, doing things differently furniture and lighting. and why not? with all of the design choices out there, designers/artists need product such as deadgood's. there is something for everyone in the product world. there is something fun going on in the world of deadgood. really fun!

happy almost friday friends! how has your week been going? mine has been consumed with course work, goofing off a little because it was my son's birthday, and now catching up on course work. it's ok, i'll get it all done! off to catch up on it now. enjoy your day!!